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It's a privilege to fall flat on your face 1969
Jesus said young man, I say to you, Arise 1969
Jesus was then led away by the spirit 1969
Lark singing was almost a daily ritual 1969
Let us then stop discussing the rudiments of Christianity 1969
Look down, O Lord, to my help 1969
Lord, thou art God 1969
May the operation of this heavenly gift 1969
My brothers, not many of you should become teachers 1969
My heart has expected reproach and misery 1969
No one should say 1969
Nouns and verbs 1969
O Lord I will be mindful of thy justice alone 1969
O Lord, I will be mindful of thy justice alone 1969
O Lord: Lord hear my prayer 1969
Oh My God I am heartily sorry for having offended thee 1969
On Haumu Hill 1969
One generation falls another rises 1969
Out of the same mouth come praises and curses 1969
Parts of speech 1969