A Question of Faith

With the permission of the authors, the following sections are here reproduced from

Colin McCahon: A Question of Faith

Marja Bloem and Martin Browne

First published 2002 by Craig Potton Publishing and the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam.

Marja Bloem and Martin Browne
For reasons of size, this section has been divided into six parts:

Chronology, part 1: 1919-1949
(PDF 13.7 MB)

Chronology, part 2: 1950-1959
(PDF 10.1 MB)

Chronology, part 3: 1960-1969
(PDF 11.6 MB)

Chronology, part 4: 1970-1978
(PDF 8.40 MB)

Chronology, part 5: 1979-2002
(PDF 2.49 MB)

Chronology, part 6: Endnotes

Steven Miller, Marja Bloem and Martin Browne
(PDF 115 KB)

Solo Exhibitions and Selected Group Exhibitions
Steven Miller, Martin Browne and Marja Bloem
(PDF 133 KB)

Copyright for this text remains the property of the authors, whom also accept full responsibility for its contents. While every effort has been made to locate the copyright owners of photographic material used in this text, in cases where this has not been possible, copyright owners are invited to contact the Trust.