My heart has expected reproach and misery
C. McC. 18. 9. 69 (conté crayon, b.r.)
My heart has / expected / reproach and / misery, and / I looked for one / that would grieve / together with me, / but there was none:
and for one that / would comfort me / and / I / found / none
Have regard, we beseech Thee, O Lord, / to the ineffable charity of the / Heart of Thy beloved Son
1969 Written paintings and drawings: Colin McCahon
Barry Lett Galleries
6/10/1969 - 17/10/1969
2001 He Kupu Noatu: Paintings by Colin McCahon
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
2/5/2001 - 19/8/2001
The texts are Psalm 68:21 and the Secret of the Feast of the Sacred Heart, as they appear in the New Sunday Missal (Catholic Book Publishing Co, New York, 1961).