Oh My God I am heartily sorry for having offended thee
McCahon '69. 24. 9. 69 (conté crayon, b.c.-b.r.)
Oh my god, I / am heartily sorry / for having offended / thee and I detest / my sins above every / other evil because / they displease thee, / O God, Who, for / thine infinite / goodness art so / deserving of all / my love and / I firmly / resolve by thy / holy grace never / more to offend / Thee / And to amend / my life: Amen.
1969 Written paintings and drawings: Colin McCahon
Barry Lett Galleries
6/10/1969 - 17/10/1969
The text is the Act of Contrition from the New Sunday Missal (Catholic Book Publishing Co, New York, 1961).