

Title Yearsort descending Venue City
Otago Art Society Exhibition 1939 Dunedin
The 1940 Group - Exhibition of Drawings, Paintings, Etc 1940 Old Art Gallery Christchurch
64th Annual Exhibition 1940 Otago Art Society Dunedin
[Group Exhibition] 1943 French Maid Café Wellington
The Group Exhibition 1943 Ballantyne's Gallery Christchurch
68th Annual Exhibition 1944 Otago Art Society Dunedin
[Paintings for Children] 1945 Modern Books Ltd. Dunedin
[Colin McCahon] 1945 French Maid Café Wellington
[Colin McCahon] 1947 Modern Books Ltd. Dunedin
The Group Show - Retrospective Edition 1947 Old Art Gallery Christchurch
