Still life with altar IV
Still life with altar IV Colin McCahon Jan. Feb 67 (brushpoint, l.c.-l.r.); Colin McCahon (on reverse); Still life with altar IV (on reverse); R N O'REILLY COLLECTION / PROPERTY SINCE DEC 1974 of MRS RACHEL WATSON of Vila, New Hebrides / Ins Value $1000 (on reverse, in another's hand)
IHS (brushpoint, t.c.-t.r.)
1967 The [67] Group Show
Durham Street Art Gallery
11/1967 -
1969 Colin McCahon: A Retrospective Exhibition of Paintings and Watercolours from the Collection of R. N. O'Reilly
Peter McLeavey Gallery
18/8/1969 - 29/8/1969
1983 Colin McCahon: The Mystical Landscape
National Art Gallery
12/12/1983 - 21/1/1984