Still life with altar I
Still Life With Altar. I (brushpoint, b.c.); McCahon Jan Feb '67 (brushpoint, l.r.); Colin McCahon / Still life with altar I / Jan. Feb. 1967 / Cat. 4 (on reverse)
1967 The [67] Group Show
Durham Street Art Gallery
11/1967 -
1972 Colin McCahon: A Survey Exhibition
Auckland City Art Gallery
7/3/1972 - 23/4/1972
1978 Colin McCahon: Numerals and Stations, Landsapes and Religious Subjects
Auckland City Art Gallery
6/11/1978 - 4/12/1978
2004 McCahon's Visible Mysteries
Auckland Art Gallery Toi o Tāmaki
6/11/2004 - 22/5/2005